Embracing Change: A Paw-sitive Update!

Embracing Change: A Paw-sitive Update!

Hey there, wonderful humans!

I've got some exciting updates to share about my small business journey.

Recently, I've taken on a full-time gig due to the wild economic rollercoaster. The good news? I've landed in a workplace that makes me genuinely excited to show up every day!

With this new adventure, I'll be dialing back on jewellery making for a bit. Fear not! I'll still be crafting earrings for my current stockists and for the sheer joy it brings me. These pieces will pop up in small batches on my website. I've also decided to take a breather from markets until later this year.

On top of all this, I have been taking a breather from my business social media. Why? Well, our beloved dog Scout just had the most adorable litter of five puppies, and they've been keeping my hands full and my heart even fuller! Check out some cute pictures below, or head over to our TikTok.

 https://www.tiktok.com/@.welcome.to.the.zoo?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc 🥰

If you'd like a more detailed blog post about the stinky little puppies, drop a comment below!

Thank you all for your incredible support and understanding during this exciting time of change. I can't wait to share more beautiful designs with you at a more slow paced rate.

Keep an eye on my website and social media for updates on new pieces, and feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, custom orders or just want to say hello!



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